Summary: | <p><em>Mangosteen fruit in the village of Belimbing at the time of harvest and the season is very abundant and the </em><em>price at that time was very low, so farmers often lose money. Therefore, farmers need to be equipped with </em><em>skills mangosteen fruit post-harvest handling and processing method. Mangosteen fruit contains vitamin C </em><em>is high at 66.0 mg/100 g of material and also contains antioxidants like xanthon very useful and good for </em><em>health. Mangosteen fruit processing training was conducted at Women Farmers Group (KWT) at Duren Taluh, </em><em>Belimbing of Pupuan district ofTabanan. Number of participants is 35 people. Training was conducted in March </em><em>2013 held at the Hall of subak groups Duren Taluh Belimbing. Diversification offood processingin addition </em><em>toreproducea varietyof processedfoods thatcanalsoextendthe shelf life ofthe productand thetype of processingcan </em><em>still beobtainedin theoff-season. Syrup and juice products produced in the hamlet village Duren Taluh is expected </em><em>to overcome the problems of post-harvest handling and processing the mangosteen fruit and can increase the </em><em>income of farmers and farming groups of women in villages of Belimbing of Pupuan district ofTabanan.</em></p><p><em>Keywords: Mangosteen fruit, syrup, juice, women farmers group</em></p>