Summary: | Endophytic bacterial diversity shows an intricate network of interactions with host plants as they reside in various tissues and organs at certain stages or all stages of their life cycle stimulating the plant growth and fitness. Sunflower is a trendy oilfield crop and variation in its varieties is associated with the dynamics of endophytic diversity. The present study is undertaken to identify and compare the ecological niche of endophytic bacterial communities amongst different tissues of two hybrids varieties Hysun-33 and Hysun-39 of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) at three developmental stages which are vegetative stage I (after 15 days of seeds germination), vegetative stage II (after 30 days of germination) and reproductive stage (after 90 days of germination). A total of 74 endophytes from Hysun-33 and 115 endophytes from Hysun-39 have been isolated from different tissues and growth stages. Amongst plant parts, root tissues harbored higher bacterial inhabitants (44) followed by stem (33), leaf (30) and flower (7) of Hysun-39. Likewise, Hysun-33 endophytes colonized roots more abundantly followed by leaves, stem and flowers. All strains are found to be gram positive with the exception of only RA9 from Hysun-33 and RB9 from Hysun-39 that are gram negative. Among different growth stages, the maximum bacterial population (CFU of 320 × 103) was found amongst root microflora at vegetative stage II of plant in Hysun-39 variety as compared to root endophytes of Hysun-33 having (CFU of 10 × 103). The evaluation of their growth promoting features revealed that among 74 isolates of Hysun-33, 70% exhibited the ability of hydrogen cyanide production, 43% IAA production, 36% siderophore production and 4% nitrogen fixation and also phosphate solubilization. However among 115 isolates of Hysun-39, 64% appeared as hydrogen cyanide producers, 56% IAA producers, 33% siderophore producers, 2% nitrogen fixers and 4% as phosphate solubilizers. Therefore our study reveals understanding of wide-ranging diversity of endophytic bacteria and their beneficial relationship with internal tissues of host plant which may recommend their implementation to crops for better development of agricultural systems. Keywords: Hysun-33, Hysun-39, Plant growth promoting bacteria, Sunflower endophyte, Hydrogen cyanide producer