Summary: | Available nuclear data for molybdenum included in the nuclear data libraries are not of sufficient quality for reactor physics or criticality safety issues and indeed information about uncertainties and covariance is either missing or leaves much to be desired. Therefore, IRSN and JAEA performed experimental measurements on molybdenum at the J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) facility in Japan. The aim was to measure capture cross section and transmission of natural molybdenum at the ANNRI (Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction measurement Instrument) in the MLF (Material Life and science Facility) of J-PARC. The measurements were performed on metallic natural molybdenum samples with various thicknesses. A NaI detector, placed at a flight-path length of about 28 m, was used for capture measurements and a Li-glass detector (flight-path length of about 28.7 m) for transmission measurements. Following the data reduction process, the measured data are being analyzed and evaluated to produce more accurate cross sections and associated uncertainties.