Summary: | Research question (RQ): What is discrepancy between status and role of quality managers in the Slovenian organisations now and what will be role and status of quality managers of the future?
Aim: The aim of this paper is to show divergence between current and expected future status and role of quality managers (QM).
Methods: Within the research of characteristics of quality management system (QMS) in the Slovenian organisations a survey among the QM and the directors was conducted as well as the correlation analysis between the role of the QM and the results achieved by the organisations.
Results: It was shown that »the advisor to the management« is the only role of the QM that has a significant positive correlation with the results achieved by the organisation.
Organisation: The results of this research enable management to take appropriate steps in organisational development and integration of all projects on organisational changes leading to a common and comprehensive long-term concept.
Society/Environment: The research offers some answers to the expected influence of changes in the environment on the future organisation of QMS.
Originality: This research represents the first example of research of status and role of QM in the Slovenian organisations.
Limitations / further research: This research project is limited to the Slovenian organisations with a certified QMS. In future, similar surveys could also be spread to other social environments such as Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic.