Summary: | No abstract available. Article truncated after the first page. History of Present Illness: The patient is a 20-year-old man with admitted to Maricopa Integrated Health System unconscious after being found down on a hiking trail. Past Medical History: Hypertension and morbid obesity. Physical Examination: Vital signs: BP 90/60 mm Hg, P 128 beats/min, Respiration 28 breaths/min, T 105.8º F, SpO2 98% on 2 L/min by NC; General: he is unresponsive to verbal stimuli but withdraws from pain; Neck: there is no jugular venous distention. Thyroid is not palpable; Lungs: clear; Heart: Regular tachycardia without murmur; Abdomen: Obese but soft without organomegaly or tendernesses; Extremities: apparent burns over both lower extremities. Which of the following should be done initially? 1. Cool the patient as quickly as possible; 2. Cool the patient slowly to prevent cerebral edema; 3. Aggressively administer normal saline to correct hypotension; 4. 1 and 3; 5. All of the above. ...