Summary: | Ryo Miyahara, Shinjiro Nagai, Toshihiko Sato, Chen Fengshi, Toru Bando, Kenichi Okubo, Hiroshi DateDepartment of Thoracic Surgery, Kyoto University, Kyoto, JapanAbstract: In this report, we presented a case of urgent resection of mature giant mediastinal teratoma. Its characteristic radiologic findings allowed us to plan evacuation of intratumoral fluid in order to make the surgical procedure safe and less invasive. In addition, a hybrid thoracoscopic-open approach also provided safety and allowed a somewhat less invasive tumor resection than otherwise would have been required. The patient recovered well without recurrence at nine months’ follow-up, with full expansion of the right middle and lower lobes. Here we discuss the diagnosis and surgical procedure with reference to the literature.Keywords: mediastinal mature teratoma, rupture, acute pleuritis