Los caminos del clown: resistencia en movimiento. Juego, carnaval y frontera Clown's Way: resistance in movement. Play, Carnival and Frontier

Through the clown's way we will look around the play logic in culture, or the culture seeing as a play itself. From an ethnographical and experimental approach to the clown and circus's world we will use this text to understand the different forms of resistance that are emerging in the pos...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Carlos Diz Reboredo
Format: Article
Published: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 2011-07-01
Series:Athenea Digital
Online Access:http://psicologiasocial.uab.es/athenea/index.php/atheneaDigital/article/view/675
Summary:Through the clown's way we will look around the play logic in culture, or the culture seeing as a play itself. From an ethnographical and experimental approach to the clown and circus's world we will use this text to understand the different forms of resistance that are emerging in the postmodern era from the most intimate spheres, from &lt;em&gt;the common&lt;/em&gt; that we all share. Clown's way will bring us from the big top to the street, from the private familiar side to the public and communal experience, and we will analyze the tactics of play, seeing as relational, communicational and learning forms. Behind the mask and the make-up lies the cultural production and social building of new subjects who are incorporated by the new social movements, who are turning circus and carnival into new playful territories of experience, claims and freedom.&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;<br>A trav&amp;eacute;s de los caminos del clown recorreremos la l&amp;oacute;gica del juego en la cultura, o de la cultura entendida en tanto juego. En base a una aproximaci&amp;oacute;n etnogr&amp;aacute;fica y experimental al mundo del circo y del clown, usaremos este texto para comprender las formas de resistencia que, dentro de la posmodernidad, surgen de lo m&amp;aacute;s &amp;iacute;ntimo, de &lt;em&gt;lo com&amp;uacute;n&lt;/em&gt; que compartimos. Los caminos del clown nos llevar&amp;aacute;n de la carpa a la calle, de lo familiar privado a lo comunal p&amp;uacute;blico, analizando las pr&amp;aacute;cticas del juego que definen al payaso como formas de relaci&amp;oacute;n, comunicaci&amp;oacute;n y aprendizaje. Tras la m&amp;aacute;scara o el maquillaje, yace la producci&amp;oacute;n de nuevos sujetos, una re-subjetivizaci&amp;oacute;n que incorporan a sus proclamas los nuevos movimientos sociales, quienes convierten al circo o al carnaval en nuevos territorios l&amp;uacute;dicos de experiencia, proclamas y libertad. &lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;