Summary: | In this paper, the didactic and training potential of the Reference Frameworks of Languages is studied and discussed, with special attention to the REFIC (Référentiel de compétences de communication plurilingüe en intercompréhension, De Carlo 2015). While elaboration and dissemination of such Frameworks of Reference have a not too long tradition in Europe, its impact has been such as to consolidate them as the main documents articulating the language teaching practices in European educational contexts. In the didactic paradigm of intercomprehension, the Referentials (De Carlo 2015) have undertaken the systematization of its theoretical-methodological foundations, as well as its evaluation practice. On a population of students specialized in language teaching, this study explores the use of the REFIC as a (self) assessment tool of communicative competences, didactic learning in a comparative study of frames, and reception analysis of the REFIC.