Summary: | The project “SportTrainer” is presented -an information system of video analytics and personal recommendations for the prevention of hypo-dynamics and increasing the effectiveness of personal training of students who want to achieve a certain sports result and improve their figure. The developed system “SportTrainer” realizes consulting on training programs, nutrition, provides control over the implementation of the selected programs and the achievement of goals. A digital trainer can suggest how effective the selected program is for a particular individual, selects the necessary exercises, make adjustments to the training program and diet, simulate and visualize progress. In the research work, modern technologies of video analytics, computer vision, machine learning and video streaming were used, which allow real-time processing of a video stream, analysis and pattern recognition, and fully automate the process of personal training at home. The implementation of the developed activities of the “SportTrainer” project was carried out in three control groups, represented by bachelors, masters and teachers. Statistical processing of basic indicators and results achieved in the process of testing the “SportTrainer” system has been carried out. The presented statistical data confirm the effectiveness of the program within the control training groups. The developed system is applicable to a wide range of the population, effective in conditions of social distancing due to a pandemic situation, since it improves conditions for home, including professional sports. In the future, a sharp increase in their share is expected in comparison with traditional training techniques.