Summary: | Reforms realized in Ukraine significantly change the nature of the work of specialists in
many areas of human activity, including in medicine. A modern specialist should not only be aware of
his right, but also have an organizing skills and be creative. A background for fulfilling this requirement
is the wide involvement of students of higher educational institutions (especially medical ones) in
research work, their direct inclusion in the sphere of the scientific life. Organization of research
activities of students is impossible without observation to the principles of education and upbringing.
Studies are conducted on the basis medical educational institutions of the Odessa region, allow to
distinguish and identify the most important ones, which formulate the professional competence of
future healthcare workers. We consider it to divide these rules into general pedagogical, didactic and
the principles that teachers are guided organizing work on chemical disciplines. Chemistry in a medical
school is one of the fundamental sciences in preparing students for the study of special medical
disciplines. Therefore, it is important to lay students, basic, initial skills in search, scientific activity in
the study of chemistry. Traditional principles of didactics are the basis of studying all disciplines, and
also have to regulate the organizational foundations of the educational process at different levels.
Principles, which are governing work in the study of chemical disciplines, help students to master
natural sciences and prepare for the study of special medical disciplines.