Summary: | The small indigenous fish species (SIS) are harvested as ensemble of different fish species of varying size and shape. An appraisal of the abundance and biomass of fish species constituting such ensemble was carried out with samples collected from fish markets of West Bengal, India. The data revealed that at least 22 different fish species were present varying in numbers and species combinations. The abundance and biomass of the individual fish species was negatively correlated, indicating numerical dominance of small sized species. Logarithmic regression showed a good fit of the relative abundance (y) with the species richness (x) in the samples of SIS (y = 55.72ln(x) – 77.27; r2 = 0.940), while power regression was best fit for the relative biomass of individual fish (y) with the species richness (x) in the samples of SIS (y = 24.58x−1.54; R2 = 0.831). In overall both species specific and individual based biomass and abundance relationships were negatively correlated. In order to ascertain the harvest and marketability of the SIS in a judicious manner, monitoring of the fish assemblages in natural habitats is recommended.