Summary: | Background. The human being has tried tofind solid protection against infectious diseases,hence, vaccination was sought as the most important milestone public health intervention forcommunicable diseases. In this context, and injoint action with world nations, the MassImmmunization Plan was created in order toreach the control and eradication of the abovementioned diseases.Materials and Methods. A descriptive, retrospectivestudy was conducted. Primary datawas drawn from children under 6-year-old ofage as users of the program of Promotion, Educationand Prevention (PEP) at the Clínica InfantilColsubsidio in Bogotá, Colombia, and those attendedat the vaccination center of the abovementioned institution between January 1 andDecember 31, 2005.Results. 7.686 children under 6-year-oldwere registered in the information data base atthe Vaccination Center of Clínica InfantilColsubsidio. 65,75 % complied with the vaccinationscheme regimen according to age,whereas 34,23 % had still an incomplete schemeregimen. Children between 6 months and 2 yearsof age represent the most affected group withincomplete scheme regimen (19,87 %). 30.984was the total amount of vaccines applied duringthis specific period.Conclusions. This preliminary study showfigures which raise concern dealing vaccinationcoverage. However, shows existing failure tofulfill comprehensive vaccination scheme regime,besides the need of forther strengtheningthe program of promotion, education and preventionPEP that is realized at the health networkof Colsubsidio.