Summary: | Pectin substances are valuable components of plant cells. They have properties that allow them to be used in various industries - water retaining, gel-forming and complexing abilities. The most important property that has a positive impact on human health is the complexing ability. It is the property of pectin substances to bind heavy and toxic metals, radioactive nuclides, free radicals and other toxins in insoluble complexes and remove them from the human body. Due to their complexing ability pectin substances are used in medicines aimed at reducing cholesterol in the body, prolonging the effect of drugs, reducing the body’s allergic reactions to various substances. This property depends on the analytical characteristics of pectin substances and may vary depending on the type of raw material and the method of its processing. Currently, freezing is commonly used to preserve various types of fruits and berries, especially perishable ones. There are data in the literature about changes of pectin substances in various plant raw materials, but there are not enough data about changes of analytical characteristics of pectin substances during freezing and storage and their influence on the complexing ability. The article presents a study of the analytical characteristics of pectin substances contained in red and black currant berries during the process of their freezing and storage at low temperatures. Studies on their influence on the change in the complexing ability are presented.