Summary: | The present article is arising of a study about the pedagogical actions which involve the Literary Project “Ariano interativo: 90 anos de histórias” realized in CEJA Donaninha, in Baturité – Ceará. The investigation aim to measure the media contribution as pedagogical implement in the literature teaching-learning process in the Youth and Adults Education - Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). The study contemplates the exploratory blibiographic research theoretical-methodological criterys, with findings in loco and participative observations. The temporal cut for field analysis cover the months between august and setember of 2017, considering different temporalities for blibiographic studies. To guide the realization of this study it was sought the theoretical references of Andrade (2004), Arroyo (2005) Brunel (2004), Esteban (2007), Reis (2009), Soares (2005) and others. It can be inferred that the teaching of literature in the EJA through the bias: interactive media (internet), traditional (television) and printed (book) favors that culture, language and art can be worked in a dynamic and contextualized way. The author Ariano Suassuna, although to be be unknown by the most part of the learners, was chose to be honored as writer of the year in the annual meeting held at the CEJA. From the collected data, was verified that the literature teaching in a tradicional way associated whit the media favors the interaction and the interdisciplinary work. It is also worth noting that the project went beyond what was foreseen in it original structure, involving both the CEJA school community and students deprived of their liberty.