Summary: | En la investigación se identificó una insuficiente preparación en educación energética de los profesores, que limita su desempeño profesional. Se diseñó una estrategia sobre la base de un modelo que interpreta la superación en educación energética desde la relación entre diferenciación e integración, donde lo energético-ambiental aporta integralidad al proceso desde la interrelación entre lo natural y lo social. La valoración de su factibilidad se realizó mediante consulta a expertos y su validación se llevó a cabo con un pre-experimento. Los resultados cuantitativos y cualitativos corroboran la efectividad de la estrategia para contribuir al perfeccionamiento del desempeño profesional de los profesores en la atención a la educación energética.<p>PALABRAS CLAVE: educación energética; capacitación profesional; docentes de preuniversitario</p><p>STRATEGY FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING IN ENERGY EDUCATION FOR HIGH-SCHOOL TEACHERS</p><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>In the investigation an insufficient preparation was identified in the professors' energy education that limits its professional acting. A strategy was designed on the base of a model that interprets the training in energy education from the relationship between differentiation and integration, where the energy-environmental thing contributes to the integrity of the process from the interrelation between the natural thing and the social thing. The valuation of its feasibility was carried out by means of consultation to experts and its validation was carried out with a pre-experiment. The quantitative and qualitative results corroborate the effectiveness of the strategy to contribute to the improvement of the professional acting of the professors in the attention to the energy education.</p><p>KEYWORDS: energy education; professional training; high-school teachers</p>