Summary: | The cosmonaut, by Alckmar Santos, Wilton Azevedo and Adir Filho, like any digital artistic work, has to deal with the increasingly rapid obsolescence of techniques and technologies. In this case, the entire creation process lasted for about four years and was subject to a number of substantial changes in the programming strategy as well as in the tools and programs used. In our case, along with the story we wanted to tell — an epiphanic experience experienced by a cosmonaut —, several elements became part of the navigation environment of The cosmonaut, associating to this the difficulty of dealing with the time that passes and never fails to imprint its marks, either in the creation itself, or in the way in which it can be read. In short, if our creation intends to tell part of the life of a cosmonaut culminating in his epiphanic experience in outer space, it also intends to provide the readers with an epiphanic experience that they will build with their own memories and their strategies of understanding and interacting within the digital work. We intend to describe this process of creation, as well as analyze this work.