Summary: | Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells maintain hematopoiesis throughout life by generating all major blood cell lineages through the process of self-renewal and differentiation. In adult mammals, hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) primarily reside in the bone marrow (BM) at special microenvironments called “niches.” Niches are thought to extrinsically orchestrate the HSC fate including their quiescence and proliferation. Insight into the HSC niches mainly comes from studies in mice using surface marker identification and imaging to visualize HSC localization and association with niche cells. The advantage of mouse models is the possibility to study the 3-dimensional BM architecture and cell interactions in an intact traceable system. However, this may not be directly translational to human BM. Sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, excessive alcohol intake, and smoking are all known risk factors for various diseases including hematological disorders and cancer, but how do lifestyle factors impact hematopoiesis and the associated niches? Here, we review current knowledge about the HSC niches and how unhealthy lifestyle may affect it. In addition, we summarize epidemiological data concerning the influence of lifestyle factors on hematological disorders and malignancies.