Summary: | This paper investigates a solution of the optimization problem concerning the construction of diameter-optimal regular networks (graphs). Regular networks are of practical interest as the graph-theoretical models of reliable communication networks of parallel supercomputer systems, as a basis of the structure in a model of small world in optical and neural networks. It presents a new class of parametrically described regular networks - hypercirculant networks (graphs). An approach that uses evolutionary algorithms for the automatic generation of parametric descriptions of optimal hypercirculant networks is developed. Synthesis of optimal hypercirculant networks is based on the optimal circulant networks with smaller degree of nodes. To construct optimal hypercirculant networks is used a template of circulant network from the known optimal families of circulant networks with desired number of nodes and with smaller degree of nodes. Thus, a generating set of the circulant network is used as a generating subset of the hypercirculant network, and the missing generators are synthesized by means of the evolutionary algorithm, which is carrying out minimization of diameter (average diameter) of networks. A comparative analysis of the structural characteristics of hypercirculant, toroidal, and circulant networks is conducted. The advantage hypercirculant networks under such structural characteristics, as diameter, average diameter, and the width of bisection, with comparable costs of the number of nodes and the number of connections is demonstrated. It should be noted the advantage of hypercirculant networks of dimension three over four higher-dimensional tori. Thus, the optimization of hypercirculant networks of dimension three is more efficient than the introduction of an additional dimension for the corresponding toroidal structures. The paper also notes the best structural parameters of hypercirculant networks in comparison with iBT-networks previously proposed by other authors.