Summary: | This article outlines the trajectory of Dionysos’ myth, the deity of intoxicating ecstasy and the sacred lyricism, and investigates what distinguish as sacred Dionysian that goes beyond the limits authoritative by moderate Apollo, as well as the rudiments of ritualistic dances and the beginning of the Greek theater . For this, retraces the path of Dionysus in ancient times, exploring the imagery of creation and its various expressions ground of the mythology, the symbolism, rituals and art as conditions for its survival in Classical Greece. The main objective is to demonstrate the syncretic plot of the symbology of these elements in different cultural expressions which are rooted and originate decisions and actions that shape the boundaries between objectivity and subjectivity in the conception of artistic materiality, placing this in the transcendent area that is transfigured in real. In this discussion, it addresses the aspect of Dithyramb and agrarian rituals that revive symbolism, imagery and resignify archaic myths that reactualized and vivify prehistoric rituals in contemporary times.Keywords: Dionysos; Myth; Dithyramb; Greek Theatre; Rituals; Sacred Dances.“The Dionysos’ Mythical Drama: Between The Intoxicating Rapture And Sacred Lyricism”ODRAMA MÍTICO DE DIONISO:ENTRE O ÊXTASE EMBRIAGADOR E O LIRISMO SAGRADO