Summary: | This study analyse the respiratory carepractice in five regions f the country, by meansof a descriptive – exploratory research, aimingto review the formation tendencies, the workingconditions, the roles of the practitioners, theprofessional practice dilemmas and the characterizationof the physical therapeutic andrespiratory therapeutic functions.The information was obtained through surveyswith respiratory therapeutics, physical therapeutics,interview with infirmary and medicalprofessionals, who work in third and fourth complexitydegree health institutions in select citiesfor the study.The collected information includes not onlydaily routines but also the knowledge andpreferences regarding the professional practice and their related aspects of labour conditionsand characteristics of the professional exercise.The study allowed to conclude that there isan idealization of the conceptual missing rolesto efficiently carry out the respiratory carewithout and additional formation of graduatelevel or training courses in this area, weaknessof the administrative and investigative functionsof domiciliary attentions and initial evaluationof the environment, lack of positioning of thefunction in front of the interdisciplinary teamand precarious labour conditions.