Summary: | The Repayment Policy for Multiple Loans is about a given set of loans and a monthly incoming cash flow: what is the best way to allocate the monthly income to repay such loans? In this article, we close the almost 20-year-old open question about how to model the repayment policy for multiple loans problem together with its computational complexity. Thus, we propose a mixed integer linear programming model that establishes an optimal repayment schedule by minimizing the total amount of cash required to repay the loans. We prove that the most employed repayment strategies, such as the highest interest debt and the debt snowball methods, are not optimal. Experimental results on simulated cases based on real data show that our methodology obtains on average more than 4% of savings, that is, the debtor pays approximately 4% less to the bank or loaner, which is a considerable amount in finances. In certain cases, the debtor can save up to 40%.