Summary: | The authors consider the problem of conveyance of non-spherical solid particles in an open
rectangular channel. The process of glass container manufacturing is accompanied by formation of
waste glass at 1150...1350 °С. As a result, hot glass mass flows into cold water and transforms into
glass granules. Granules are used in the production of glass, and they can be loaded back into the
industrial furnace.
At this stage, there arises a problem of conveyance of waste glass granules into the gallery,
in the direction of the furnace. The pipeline-based method requires an engine, which will increase
the cost of glass containers. Hydraulic transportation of waste glass is a cheaper method. In this
connection, there is a practical problem of identifying the slope angle sufficient for the transportation
of waste glass in an open rectangular channel. Thus, we must determine the hydraulic characteristics
of the two-phase flow to solve the problem.
A laboratory research of the particle size distribution pattern was conducted in 2011 at the
glass factory in operation in the Tula region. The shape of particles and the condition of the glass surface affect the parameters of their hydraulic transportation. These characteristics are taken into
account when calculating the formula and introducing the correction coefficient.
The problem of determining the slope of the open channel needed to transport waste glass into
the glass melting furnace can be formulated as follows. What should be the angle of the bottom of
the channel for hydraulic transport of waste glass, when the particle speed reaches its critical value?
The input data are as follows: channel length - 70 meters, cross-section area - 1.4 m2. Hydraulic
transport of waste glass is produced under the influence of gravity, due to the difference in the height
of the upper and lower points of transportation.
Chezy coefficient helps determine the appropriate slope of the bottom of the channel. As
a result of the calculation of the angle of inclination of the bottom of the channel, the difference
between the upper and lower points was 2.17 m, the particle size of glass 4.76...17.97 mm, the
channel length - 70 m, height - 1 m, width - 1.4 m.
The benefits of free flow hydraulic transport include small operating costs. The main
disadvantage of hydraulic transport is the need for a substantial difference in the heights of upper
and lower points.
As a result, the authors have worked out their recommendations concerning the
transportation of y solid particles of waste glass.