Summary: | <p>Orbital - The Electronic Journal of Chemistry is entering its 4th year of existence which is a reason to celebrate. A great work has been devoted to preserve a scientific journal of international reputation. This work was not always without mistakes or any trouble. However, these very adversities stimulate additional efforts in order to overcome our errors and, continuing with our serious proposal of editing a journal which scientists from all over the world can submit online their original works manuscripts to be published in peer review and open-access style.</p> <p>Beginning this year, Orbital was classified by the Chemistry Coordination Area on the B5 rank of CAPES Qualis (Brazil) and, leveled as B4 by Coordination Areas of Materials and Engineering II. These important details demonstrate that Orbital is progressively attaining the acknowledgment of the Brazilian scientific community. The recognition by CAPES Qualis is crucial as the system evaluates the generation of knowledge in the Brazilian universities and the method by which this same knowledge disseminated to society. Not all these were possible without endeavoring of editors and volunteer assistance of advisors from several national and international institutions.</p> <p>Recently, the young Professors Kleber Thiago de Oliveira (UFSCAR), Grégoire Demetz (USP-RP) and Amilcar Machulek Júnior (UFMS) have joined us to share the idea and philosophy of Orbital by accepting our invitation to be associated editors. The tasks and challenges are enormous and, we are sure that new participants will support us on the way to achieve indexation in new Databases systems as SCOPUS, ISI and Scielo. Consequently, the international success of this electronic journal will be assured.</p> We sincerely hope that in the academic Brazilian scenario, Orbital can figure as a solid bridge to interchange real creative science that is happening in various locations around the world.