Summary: | Hercules X-1 (Her X-1) has been monitored by MAXI and by Swift/BAT for over a decade. Those observations are analyzed to measure the shape and energy dependence of the long-term average of the 35-day cycle of Her X-1. The cross-correlation (CC) method is used to determine peak times and cycle lengths. Swift/BAT data produces better 35-day times because of the gaps in the MAXI data. Using Swift/BAT-derived times, average 35-day cycle light-curves are created for multiple energy bands: MAXI’s 2–20 keV, 2–4 keV, 4–10 keV and 10–20 keV bands and Swift/BAT’s 15–50 keV band. The durations of the different states of the 35-day cycle are measured better than previously. We find clear changes in X-ray softness ratio with 35-day phase, and detect persistent features in the 35-day cycle. These include column density changes during turn-on of Main High and of Short High states, and persistent absorption dips during the bright part of Main High and of Short High states.