Summary: | 以民間自己的力量進行棲地之圈護與保育,而非僅寄望政府對管制區域的劃設與執法,在英、美等國已有長久歷史且成績斐然。此一理念在我國雖仍屬起步階段,但經過十多年的醞釀,近年以環境信託為號召的倡議已吸引愈來愈多的關注。本文認為,私部門對土地管領或監護以直接達成土地保育,可作為國土治理的重要環節,而可能運用於取得土地之管理或監護的法律工具繁多,非僅公益信託一端;對相關法律工具更全面的理解,將有助於考量不同脈絡與需求,於個案中尋求適切可行的法律工具,也將有助於在立法政策上進行更完整的思索。
The idea and practices that the private sector devotes to land conservation by directly acquiring and managing land have developed for a long time and reached great achievements in many countries such as the U.K. and the U.S. In recent
years, this idea, in the name of the “environment trust,” has drawn more and more attention in Taiwan. This article intends to show that private approaches to land conservation could play a critical role in Taiwan’s environmental governance and argue that the legal instruments to be used in private land conservation are potentially diverse, rather than only a charitable trust can be invoked. The comprehensive understanding and comparison of the potential legal instruments in this article will help practitioners to match adequate instruments to specific real contexts and help the legislature to devise a comprehensive law reform.