Summary: | Since 1994, the support for small, medium and micro-enterprises (SMMEs) in South Africa has been
a common theme in central government policy and planning. However, numerous enterprises in the
rural areas have not fully benefited from such state policies. This paper reports on a study that
critically examined the role of local government in the development of the art and craft sector as a
Local Economic Development (LED) initiative. The study employed a qualitative study design and
drew on interviews, on-site visits and participant observations so as to gain perceptions and
understanding of the art and craft sector. Secondary data in the form of publications, government
reports and policy positions were also used during the analysis and interpretation of the data. The
results of the study show that the art and craft sector is vital for rural communities as it addresses
some of the socio-economic challenges that communities face and invaluably contributes to tourism.
Results further suggest that without the assistance of other LED stakeholders, especially local
government, growth and development of this sector will remain a challenge.