Summary: | Traditional supervised band selection (BS) methods mainly consider reducing the spectral redundancy to improve hyperspectral imagery (HSI) classification with class labels and pairwise constraints. A key observation is that pixels spatially close to each other in HSI have probably the same signature, while pixels further away from each other in the space have a high probability of belonging to different classes. In this paper, we propose a novel discriminative feature metric-based affinity propagation (DFM-AP) technique where the spectral and the spatial relationships among pixels are constructed by a new type of discriminative constraint. This discriminative constraint involves chunklet and discriminative information, which are introduced into the BS process. The chunklet information allows for grouping of spectrally-close and spatially-close pixels together without requiring explicit knowledge of their class labels, while discriminative information provides important separability information. A discriminative feature metric (DFM) is proposed with the discriminative constraints modeled in terms of an optimal criterion for identifying an efficient distance metric learning method, which involves discriminative component analysis (DCA). Following this, the representative subset of bands can be identified by means of an exemplar-based clustering algorithm, which is also known as the process of affinity propagation. Experimental results show that the proposed approach yields a better performance in comparison with several representative class label and pairwise constraint-based BS algorithms. The proposed DFM-AP improves the classification performance with discriminative constraints by selecting highly discriminative bands with low redundancy.