Abstract Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is social responsibility on the community and environment out responsibility economical. Globally understanding of CSR formulated through ISO 26000 cover 7 the main issues, one of the point related to the issues employment in the implementation of the...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Dani Amran Hakim
Format: Article
Published: University of Lampung 2017-05-01
Series:Fiat Justisia
Online Access:http://jurnal.fh.unila.ac.id/index.php/fiat/article/view/802
Summary:Abstract Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is social responsibility on the community and environment out responsibility economical. Globally understanding of CSR formulated through ISO 26000 cover 7 the main issues, one of the point related to the issues employment in the implementation of the social responsibility. This not yet accommodated in UUTK, which the contents substance the act of has not managed about the fulfillment of labor rights that uses the application of social responsibility. Based on the Regulation the Government Number 47 years 2012 about Social Responsibility Environment Company, determine that “obligation CSR as carried out at inside and outside the company”. Phrases ”at inside in the the company” can be seen as the parties has an interest in the company, one of them is the workers/labor. Therefore to realize prosperous labors, besides the fulfillment of rights has been agreed upon in a work with, the company also has an obligation to implement CSR for labors. As guarantees laws against the labor rights.   Keywords: Urgent, Corporate Social Responsibility, Labor Rights   Abstrak Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) adalah tanggung jawab sosial terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan di luar tanggung jawab ekonomis. Secara global pemahaman mengenai CSR dirumuskan melalui ISO 26000 yang mencakup 7 isu pokok, salah satu poinnya menyangkut masalah ketenagakerjaan dalam penerapan social responsibility. Hal ini belum terakomodasi di dalam UUTK maupun UUPT, yang isi substansi undang-undang ini belum mengatur mengenai pemenuhan hak-hak pekerja yang menggunakan penerapan social responsibility. Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 47 Tahun 2012 tentang Tanggung Jawab Sosial Lingkungan Perusahaan, menentukan bahwa “Kewajiban CSR sebagaimana dilaksanakan baik di dalam maupun di luar lingkungan Perseroan”. Frasa “di dalam lingkungan Perseroan” dapat dimaknai sebagai para pihak yang memiliki kepentingan di perusahaan, salah satunya yaitu para tenaga kerja. Maka dari itu untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan tenaga kerja, selain pemenuhan hak-hak yang telah disepakati di dalam perjanjian kerja bersama, perusahaan juga memiliki kewajiban untuk melaksanakan CSR bagi tenaga kerja. Sebagai bentuk jaminan hukum terhadap hak-hak tenaga kerja.   Kata Kunci: Urgensi, Corporate Social Responsibility, Hak-Hak Tenaga Kerja