Summary: | Abstract: The purprose of this studi is to describe the form, function, and strategies of expressive speech in the 2019 presidential election debate. Using a qualitative approach with this type of pragmatic research. The data is in the form of expressive speech in the 2019 presidential election debate video which has been written language along with the context. The data studied were in the form of speech in the 2019 presidential election debate which included the form, fungction, and strategi of delivery expressive speech. The data source in this study is the 2019 presidential election debate video downloaded via youtube. Based on the data analysis, three things were concluded. First, there are four forms of expressive speech, namely anger, criticism, praise, and expression of desire. Second, the function of expressive speech includes expressing annoyance, offense, protesting, regretting, evaluating, feeling proud, gratitude, acceptance, hope, and belief. Third, direct and indirect delivery strategies.
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan wujud, fungsi, dan strategi tuturan ekspresif dalam debat pilpres 2019. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian pragmatik. Data berupa tuturan ekspresif di video debat pilpres tahun 2019 yang telah di bahasa tuliskan beserta konteksnya. Data yang diteliti berupa tuturan dalam debat pilpres 2019 yang meliputi wujud, fungsi, dan strategi penyampaian tuturan ekspresif. Sumber data video debat pilpres 2019 yang diunduh melalui youtube.Berdasarkan analisis data disimpulkan tiga hal. Pertama, ditemukan empat wujud tuturan ekspresif, yaitu marah, kritik, pujian, dan pengungkapan keinginan. Kedua, fungsi tuturan ekspresif meliputi mengungkapkan rasa kesal, rasa tersinggung, memprotes, menyayangkan, mengevaluasi, rasa bangga, rasa syukur, penerimaan, harapan, dan keyakinan. Ketiga, strategi penyampaian secara langsung dan tidak langsung.