Summary: | Currently all geological activities in Slovakia are governed by the Act of the Slovak National Council No. 52/1988 of the Coll. on geological operations and the Slovak Bureau of Geology in complete wording of the Act of the Slovak National Council No. 497 of the Coll. and by regulations issued on the base of this Act and Act No. 44/1988 of the Coll. on protection of mineral wealth (mining code) in complete wording of the Act of the Slovak National Council No.498/1991 of the Coll. After the approval of the new mineral policy by the government of the Slovak Republic in 1995, a new Geology Act will be completed before the end of 1997 and in the same time the new wording of the Mining Act will be prepared. The new Geology Act will contain besides some other changes, also changes concerning the maximum size of the exploration area, its validity and fees for 1 sq km and also a requirement for the minimum expenses.