Summary: | Environmental management emerged as a consequence of an unprecedented strain on the Earth by humans. Each our activity leaves a trail, such as pollutions of air and soil, contamination of water, deforestation, and also tons of wastes. We are confronting environmental problems that are more taxing than ever before. Now we have everyday changes of the climate which is why there is an urgent need to find ways of life that is less damaging to the Earth. Waste management is a particular specialization of the environmental management which studies how to achieve a zero-waste life. The difference between the situation with waste in Ukraine compared to other developed countries is the large volume of waste generation and the lack of infrastructure for waste management. At the same time, the availability of such infrastructure is an essential feature of all economies of developed countries. Also, it is showed to increase of the amount of illegal and uncontrolled landfills and to degrade of the condition of existing dumps. This paper is aimed to explain how the Ukrainian government could educate people about problems of wastes and encourage us to change our habits.