Summary: | This work intends to carry out a comparative review of three usability diagnostic experiences for interactive spaces in socio-technical environments. The first, was produced for the air traffic control tower of the International Airport of Mexico City (AICM); the second, for the metalworking workshops of a particular enterprise; and the third, for the neighborhood of Valle de San Pedro, Tijuana. This comparison aims to determine what an interactive space is, what the qualities that define it are, and how they can be measured. For this, the three cases will be presented, their functions will be contrasted, and their similarities will be determined to detect the generic interaction qualities. This is intended to achieve a transdisciplinary understanding for the optimization of socio-technical environments, which until now have been addressed from the perspective of risk -ergonomic, psychosocial and organizational- but not from the ease of use, a quality that covers more properly the phenomenon of interaction and understanding of user requirements. The impact of this work is expected to provide better guidelines for User Centered Design (UCD) in the fields of engineering, product design, and urban design.