Summary: | The present study was to check the anti-Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) activity of actinomycetes isolated from terrestrial soil samples. The cell free supernatant and the ethyl acetate extract prepared from the potential isolate were studied for anti-MRSA activity. The culturing conditions of the potential isolate were optimized and characterized by polyphasic approach. The molecular taxonomy and phylogenetic studies of the potential isolate showed that it belonged to the genus Streptomyces. The partial 16S rDNA nucleotide sequencing analysis of the isolate yielded 1367 nucleotides and it was submitted to the GenBank under the accession number MF974561. Blast search of the nucleotide sequence of the isolate in the GenBank database showed 100% sequence similarity with Streptomyces gancidicus. The ethyl acetate (EA) extract showed 20 and 21 mm zone of inhibition against two MRSA strains (ATCC 43300) and (ATCC700699), respectively. Partial purification and GC-MS analysis of EA extract showed the presence of 1,1-Dichloropentane (DCP) (76%) as a major compound. Keywords: Actinomycetes, Anti-MRSA activity, Cross-streak method, MRSA, Well diffusion method