Summary: | This article describes research undertaken in order to design a methodology for the reticular representation of knowledge of a specific discourse community. To achieve this goal, a representative corpus of the scientific production of the members of this discourse community (Universidad Polit&eacute;cnica de Valencia, UPV) was created. The article presents the practical analysis (frequency, keyword, collocation and cluster analysis) that was carried out in the initial phases of the study aimed at establishing the theoretical and practical background and framework for our matrix and network analysis of the scientific discourse of the UPV. In the methodology section, the processes that have allowed us to extract from the corpus the linguistic elements needed to develop co-occurrence matrices, as well as the computer tools used in the research, are described. From these co-occurrence matrices, semantic networks of subject and discipline knowledge were generated. Finally, based on the results obtained, we suggest that it may be viable to extract and to represent the intellectual capital of an academic institution using corpus linguistics methods in combination with the formulations of network theory.<br>En este art&iacute;culo describimos la investigaci&oacute;n que se ha desarrollado en el dise&ntilde;o de una metodolog&iacute;a para la representaci&oacute;n reticular del conocimiento que se genera en el seno de una instituci&oacute;n a partir de un corpus representativo de la producci&oacute;n cient&iacute;fica de los integrantes de dicha comunidad discursiva, la Universidad Polit&eacute;cnica de Valencia.. Para ello, presentamos las acciones que se realizaron en las fases iniciales del estudio encaminadas a establecer el marco te&oacute;rico y pr&aacute;ctico en el que se inscribe nuestro an&aacute;lisis. En la secci&oacute;n de metodolog&iacute;a se describen las herramientas inform&aacute;ticas utilizadas, as&iacute; como los procesos que nos permitieron disponer de aquellos elementos presentes en el corpus, que nos llevar&iacute;an al desarrollo de matrices de co-ocurrencias con las que se generaron redes sem&aacute;nticas del conocimiento disciplinar. Finalmente, a partir de los resultados obtenidos, constatamos la viabilidad de extraer y representar el capital intelectual bas&aacute;ndonos en los principios de la ling&uuml;&iacute;stica de corpus en combinaci&oacute;n con las formulaciones de la teor&iacute;a de redes.