Summary: | The article considers the main methods for studying the process of oxidation of structural steels and evaluating their corrosion resistance in heavy liquid metal coolants (HLMC) under static and dynamic conditions. It is shown that the main disadvantage of these methods is the impossibility of evaluating the results in real time. The authors propose a new method for the experimental determination of the oxidation rate of steels in molten HLMCs, which makes it possible to measure the reaction rate without depressurizing the plant, by periodically injecting air doses of a known volume and monitoring its response time. As additional data in the research methodology, the results of a chemical-spectral analysis of the coolant and slags were provided after the experimental campaign completion as well as a metallographic analysis of steel samples to determine the oxide coating thickness and its comparison with the calculated value for the integral oxygen assimilation by the system. To implement the methodology, a laboratory facility was proposed, equipped with an oxygen thermodynamic activity (TDA) sensor of the RF-IPPE design. The sensor is certified by Gosstandart of Russia (certificate RU. 31.002 A No. 15464), registered in the State Register of Measuring Instruments (No. 25282-03) and approved for use in the Russian Federation.