Summary: | - Gerard J. van den Broek, G. Varro, Orients, pour Georges Condominas. R. Hamayon, J. Matras-Troubetzkoy, J. Pouillon, L, Puiseux, Ch. Taillard, Toulouse, Editions Privat & Paris, Sudestasie, 1981, 345 pp., B. Condominas (eds.) - M. Haddad, Nels Johnson, Islam and the politics of meaning in Palestinian nationalism, London: Kegan Paul International, 1982. - A. de Ruijter, Mary Douglas, In the active voice, London, Boston and Henley: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982, xi + 306 pp. - Peter Kloos, Paul Henley, The Panare. Tradition and change on the Amazonian frontier. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1982, 263 pp. - Peter Kloos, Conrad Phillip Kottak, Assault on Paradise. Social change in a Brazilian village. New York: Random House, 1983, 314 pp. - W.A. Shadid, M. van der Most van Spijk, Remember to be firm. Life histories of three Egyptian women, Women and development series, Cairo/Leiden 1982. 79 pp., H.Y. Fahmy, S. Zimmerman (eds.) - W.A. Shadid, Marileen van der Most van Spijk, Eager to learn. An anthropological study of the needs of Egyptian village women; report of an experiment, Women and development series, Cairo/Leiden 1982. 84 pp. - W.A. Shadid, Marileen van der Most van Spijk, Who cares for her health? An anthropological study of women’s health care in a village in Upper Egypt, Women and development series, Cairo/Leiden 1982. 99 pp. - Willem van Schendel, Marvin Davis, Rank and rivalry: The politics of inequality in rural West Bengal, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. - Simon Kooijman, Jerry W. Leach, The Kula, New perspectives on Massim exchange. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney, 1983., Edmund Leach (eds.) - Simon Kooijman, Martha Macintyre, The Kula. A Bibliography. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney, 1983. - H. Dagmar, C.G. von Brandenstein, Names and substance of the Australian subsection system, The University of Chicago Press, N.Y. [1983?] - David S. Moyer, A. Testart, Des classiciations dualistes en Australie: Essai sur l’évolution de l’organisation sociale. Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Publications de l’université de Lille III, Lille 1978. - Kwame Arhim, Michel Verdon, The Abutia Ewe of West Africa, a chiefdom that never was: 316 pp., II appendices, 74 tables, Mouton publishers, 1983. - J.F. Holleman, Sally Falk Moore, Law as process - an anthropological approach, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, etc., 1983 (256 pp., bibliography, index).