Summary: | In this article is taken up the novel of Constantin Stere On the Eve of the Revolution (1932 – 1936) which transfigures artistically realities from Russia and Romania during about fifty years (from 1860 to 1907). Vania Răutu, the protagonist of the novel sequence, has a spectacular ascent with multiple amazing existences. During the eight volumes of the novel the narrative realities go through considerable metamorphoses. Dependent on space and time, „the epic
memory” offers abundantly to Stere one literary pattern or another. To oversimplify, the imagology of these two civilizations (cultures) motives the predominance either of the Russian literary pattern or of the Romanian literary pattern. It is attested that the two patterns can be found at every turn and sometimes even on the face of it. This situation is so obvious that it can’t be omitted în the establishment of the novel lain between modernist and postmodernist features.