Summary: | This article discusses the technology of monitoring industrial enterprises by the level of economic security. The problem of the financial crisis is a global problem. To get out of this state, it is necessary to monitor, review the management system and assess the level of economic security of the enterprise. The state and development of the industrial brunch is very important for the economy. In modern realities, the industrial enterprise is considered as a complex economic system, within which various processes are managed, among which an important place is occupied by innovative development. In the process of monitoring, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to the target orientation and selection of evaluation indicators. To monitor light industry enterprises by the level of economic security, it is advisable to use economic and statistical methods. In the framework of this research the task is solved by the method of multidimensional statistical comparison. The reference values of the level of economic security have been determined and the rating of industrial enterprises of the North-West region has been determined.