Summary: | (excerpt from the review)
I have been reading Debasish Lahiri’s’s poetry over the past few years as he has sent me his poems in a steady stream from Kolkata where he lives and writes, and from his various journeys in India and to the west and the east, and I have been struck by their many-layered intensity. It is a pleasure now to see his first collection in the public arena, reaching out to a wide readership.
Like his many physical journeys, Debasish’s poetry embodies the metaphoric journeys a poet artist makes through his imagination, journeys that are metaphysical and philosophical, embodying a quest that moves into the inner recesses of the creative process and outwards in a pledge to comprehend and will life’s experiences to be transformed and translated into verse. There is a certain anguish and agony evident in the process as the poems are carefully gathered and sectioned into seven parts, which reflect a journey that has been arduous but worthwhile.