Summary: | The Argentine political field of the 21st century has developed in the light of social and cultural modifications both globally and in the local particularity. In line with the above, this century is the scene of the emergence of a new political conformation: Republican Proposal (PRO). Said group is presented with a making and communicating politics´logic different from traditional forms.
In this sense, I wonder about the ideological framework and the social values on which the PRO builds a new electoral base. In this way, I seek to investigate the social cohesion of those represented by said political party, focusing on the republican spirit as a builder of a new identity. To do this, I take as a source of study the latest publications of the main political consultants of the mentioned political group, Jaime Durán Barba and Santiago Nieto. Based on the content analysis of their latest publications, as well as conducting an interview with the second consultant, I will seek to account for such political construction.
From the aforementioned, I understand the relevance of these lines of research, as it is a proposal postulated as overcoming the divisions of traditional politics. Then, being a new electoral base of ordinary citizens who do not question certain state policies, but who vote convinced a project of a republican country and respectful of a valuation fee. In this way, I seek to contribute to the field of political sociology in Argentina today, as well as to its articulation with spiritual transformations.