Summary: | Country’s historical heritage, represented by social, political and economical factors, merely define society’s cultural base, which further define its potentials within all its spheres. In the article we focused on a specific phenomenon i.e. business elites, which we understand as crucial stakeholders for society’s development. Socio-cultural and socio-economic factors on the macro level (i.e. society as a whole) shape a specific environment, which facilitate or hinder the emergence of a specific business elite’s type. These components affect business elite’s cultural profile and define whether they act as promoters of development or as reent-seekers.
In order to highliht the idea of the research and the results, we
compared macro components within different societies, characterized by different paradigmatic models (i.e. Switzerland,
the USA, the EU-3, Slovenia, the Ukraine and BRIC countries).
The study revield how socio-cultural and socio-economic
factors affect society’s development (toward a free market economy or toward socialistic type of society) which further define the type of business elite that emerges in a specific society.