Summary: | The family theme permeates the work of the three titans of literature - Leo Tolstoy, Hervé Bazin and John Galsworthy. As is well known, these are great representatives of different generations and nationalities. The importance of the problem statement is self-evident; it is included in the register of the so-called "eternal plots". The institution of marriage and family, as well as issues of the extinction of love and the identification of the causes of the breakdown of relationships, will draw attention to themselves as long as humanity is alive. The family theme in the work of Leo Tolstoy is so voluminous, and the breadth of conclusions and generalizations in the work is so deep that it is fundamentally impossible to fit it into the framework of one article. Therefore, we limited ourselves to the most striking examples from Tolstoy's "flash fiction". To complete the picture, we pointed to the creative borrowing of a number of Tolstoy's ideas in the family epic sagas of Bazin and Galsworthy.