Andrés Torres Queiruga
Andrés Torres Queiruga (born 1940 in Aguiño, Ribeira, Galicia) is a Galician theologian, writer and translator.He studied in Santiago de Compostela and Comillas Pontifical University. He is a doctor in Theology and Philosophy.
Queiruga lectures Theology at the ''Instituto Teolóxico compostelá'' and philosophy of religion at the University of Santiago de Compostela. A member of the Real Academia Galega and the Consello da Cultura Galega, he was a founder of the magazine ''Encrucillada: Revista Galega de Pensamento Cristián'', nowadays he is director of the Asociación Encrucillada. He is a staff member of the magazines ''Iglesia Viva'', ''Sal Terrae'', ''Revista Portuguesa de Filosofía'' and ''Concilium''. Provided by Wikipedia