Muhammad al-Mukhtar al-Shinqiti
Muhammad al-Mukhtar al-Shinqiti (; born 1966) is a Mauritanian political activist, author, and academic. He currently works at Hamad Bin Khalifa University as an associate professor of political ethics and history of religion. In addition, he writes Arabic articles in Al Jazeera, which, as of February 2020, had exceeded 400 articles.Al-Shinqiti has acquired degrees in different fields of both religious sciences and social sciences. These include fiqh, translation studies, business administration, and the history of religion. He is a strong critic of Arab regimes and writes extensively about the Arab Spring, the Muslim world, and Islamic modernism. Provided by Wikipedia
1نرجسيةُ الريادة ولِجامُ الإسلام: صورتان متضادَّتان عن الكُرْد والسودان والأمازيغ في التراث العربي محمد المختار الشنقيطيGet full text
Published 2021-02-01
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